Peanuts contain important nutrients like rich protein, fiber, poly-phenol antioxidants like p-coumaric acid, resveratrol, poly and mono unsaturated fats, active vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, Niacin and minerals including sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium and zinc.
All these ingredients have made them ideal nutritious food to give good health and daily eating of about 75 gm of peanuts will really help to prevent many diseases. Let us see how does each ingredient of peanuts work for our good health
Rich protein content in peanuts is essential for muscle building and good functioning of inner body organs. Resveratrol found in peanuts will increase blood circulation in brain and avoid brain stroke and premature aging. High levels of poly and mono unsaturated fats and anti-oxidant will reduce the risk of getting heart disease, increased cholesterol level in blood. These are the best choice for diabetics as they can get all the essential vitamins and minerals while eating them and the presence of manganese will also control blood sugar level. Rich dietary fiber content and anti-oxidants will be helpful to get rid of constipation and colon cancer.
Peanuts are ideal for the people suffering from obesity as they won't increase body weight. Regular eating of them can increase breast milk to feed babies. Peanuts can produce favorable results when they are given to the children suffering from malnutrition. They will increase the strength of bones and avoid getting the disease called Osteoporosis.